Have you seen The Colony of Pythons at Kanha?

Python at Kanha

Did you know that there is another reason to visit Kanha National Park in Madhya Pradesh? Tourists visit here to witness the iconic Bengal Tigers and rich variety of flora and fauna species. If you are planning to visit Kanha National Park this winter, don’t forget to visit Kakaiya village located in Anjaniya forest region which is located around 1-2 km from Kanha’s buffer zone. Tourists from different parts of India are getting there all the way to witness Ajgar Dadar.

Thousands of hundreds of pythons are found here in 2 acres of landscapes in Kakaiya Gram. You can easily witness pythons of all sizes from small to large ones. These pythons are listed under ‘very rare species’ by experts here. They are also focusing on the conservation of these species.

According to a forest official, conservation measures are being prepared to protect these pythons. If locals are to be believed, these pythons call this area their home over several years. They are mostly spotted during winters.

Why do these pythons live here? 

Igneous rocks are scattered around 5 to 7 acres of this region which have wide cracks. According to the forest officials, these rocks have huge cracks making enough space for pythons to live here. A python can stay at one place for several months. Wildlife experts believe that pythons don’t hunt another prey for several months after getting full. They can survive at their den for several months without eating.

Forest officers claim that it’s the first time in India when such a huge colony of pythons is found. When asked why so many pythons live here, they said these serpents can easily find their prey here. Rats are their favorite prey. This place has crumbled soil which is an ideal breeding ground for rats. This is the reason why such a huge number of pythons are found here.

What is Ajgar Dadar? 

For your information, Ajgar Dadar is a rare species of python which comes out of their burrows only in winters for getting some sunlight. In addition, it is also the season for their breeding. Most of the time, these pythons live alone and gather in groups only when they have to reproduce. The geographical conditions of this region are ideal for these pythons. This is why they are found in such a huge number here.

This is the reason why this area is called Ajgar Dadar. It has been declared as a conserved area by the forest department. However tourists still visit there to see these rock pythons. According to the officials in the Forest Department, this place has up to 2000 pythons. They are mostly found in a group of 8 to 10 pythons.

Kanha National Park is already famous for its natural beauty and favorable atmosphere. A lot of tourists visit here to spot several wildlife species. Ajgar Dadar is another tourist attraction you may visit.

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Picture of Teerathnath Singh

Teerathnath Singh

My name is Teerathnath. Since my Childhood, i am fond of Jungle Safari. I born at Bandhavgarh and being native I help tourists to explore Bandhavgarh.

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