25 Important Things to Know Before Visiting National Parks in India and Bandhavgarh

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Advance Safari Booking

Are you planning to visit a National Parks In India or a tiger reserve in India?  Then here are a few tips that will make your trip a huge success.

First of all, book your safari in advance yes planning ahead will secure your entry in the park for excursions.  The visit is organized for tiger safaris on open jeeps, but there is a limit to the number of jeeps that can enter in a day either in the morning or in the evening ride all over the National Parks in India.

For every ride, a permit is issued that has to be obtained from the State Government Portals online or in direct communication with the Field Director of the reserve if the online facility is not there.  Hence at the time of planning, you should complete this formality as per the number of safaris which you have planned for. At a later stage, it is unlikely that you will get an entry vacant. 

At the time of booking all other details have to be filled online along with details of passport if you are from overseas. For Indians recognized photo ID will do. At the time of booking, you need to provide details and ID of all others that will be on the jeep with you.  


Hire Local Driver & Guides

At most of the park, local guides are provided by the park, and the jeeps are also registered with the department and so are the drivers.  If this is not the case then you should hire local guides and jeeps available so that those who have inherited the heritage wealth benefit the most. This creates goodwill and sympathy for the parks and aids conservation.  

Get to the Entrance Gate Well in Time

The entry for safari s organized with fixed timings pertaining to entry and exit. Before the entry ID is checked, guide fees have to be paid this takes time hence you should reach at least one hour earlier. This way you will go through the formalities in time and yet be ahead of others in order to enter the park gate.     

Always Keep Original ID Proof

This has to be shown at the gate and it can be checked inside the park anytime by the forest officials hence keep it with you all the time. Keep originals it is necessary for every National Parks in India .

Book Your Package Local Agent

The booking of permits can also be done by the hoteliers and tour operators. Hence in order to forward community benefit, the local agent or tour operator should be preferred.      

Natural Clothing & camouflage clothes

Keep khaki or olive green clothing with you. Wear them during the safari keeps the animals pacified because they feel at ease in green surroundings. Stark colors may antagonize them.

Choosing Season

Keep tab of season winters are severe in North, Central India, but summers can be very hot in the months of May and June hence avoids this period if you are sensitive to heat.

Wear Mask

Now wear masks for saving yourself from pandemic as well as to prevent dust entering your nostrils. Dry roads can be very dusty and will choke your throat as well but not life-threatening. Take care. 

A strong sun except on rainy or cloudy days can hurt your eyes. And now in the pandemic virus can enter your eyes so wear good quality sunglasses.

Sunscreen Cream or Lotion

Roll them over your body if you are sensitive to sunlight. The sun shines nearly throughout the year hence carry protective cream with you.

Park Drivers, Guide, and Naturalist

Few know English but they can converse in broken English. They are friendly and warm but some can be talkative. Do not encourage them to converse too much except whence they have to inform you about happenings and wildlife.   Too much chatter would lead to a loss in alertness and you will miss much. 

Keep Sensory Apparatus Alert

Not only the guides, drivers, and naturalist you should be alert to in order to experience the elusive wildlife. Senses play an important role in sightings and tracking animals.

Keep Ears Open & alertness

Sound-play an important role in wildlife sighting you can track animals like tigers from the sound they make.  Other animals whence they sense the tiger they emit an alarm cry out of fear and thus you can come to know its presence. Guides and naturalists rely often on alarm cries and animal sounds in order to enhance your experience and make it holistic. So, you should join them and be alert.

Tell Tale Signs

Not only your ears but your eyes should be alert as well. You can make out the presence of big cats by their pug marks on jungle roads, scratch marks on trees, and wet marks on barks. Some elusive animals are difficult to spot in dense canopy hence keep your eyes wide open.

Pay Attention

Listen carefully to what the team will have something valuable to disseminate or inform you about the safaris progress. By listening you will learn a lot and enjoy the game rides immensely National Parks in India totally different than the African Parks.   

Slow Drives

You miss out much by zooming past at full speed. There is no rare animal waiting for you at the end of the road. Hence encourage the team to drive slowly and pay attention to the surroundings. 

Stop and Check & recheck

During safaris stop and check if there is a doubt in your mind. Things happen very quickly and in the dense canopy, a glimpse of a sound cannot be neglected so ask the driver to stop or reverse for a recheck.

Post Safari Interact with the Guide and Naturalist

You will be better informed if you interact with guides and naturalists in the free time especially immediately after the safari. A sound discussion will lead to many eye-opening truths or facts. 

Binoculars’ and Spotting Scope

Carry them without fail for you will always need them to see big cats from far and birds everywhere. In the dense canopy, the first priority should be given to binoculars.

Checklist & Books on Birds & Mammals

Carry as much information as you can like hand guides on birds and mammals, checklists of birds. Since wildlife is diverse you need literature pertaining to that area. 

Food and Filter Water Emergency Medication

These are essentials which we need to carry everywhere especially during the safaris. Certain medications may not be available in remote areas buy them beforehand. 

Responsible Tourism

Do not use plastic packets and bottles, do not litter in the park or anywhere else. Keep to responsible tourism guidelines as a tourist.

Tipping & Synonyms

Tip guides, drivers, naturalists, and staff if you wish to impart with a gratuity as being generous. Although it is not mandatory encouraging people of the park is always good.

Discuss with the Naturalist

He or she will be your company back in the hotel as well hence interacting with him will be rewarding. Information gathering efforts will enrich your experience forever. 

Souvenirs Arts & Crafts

Buy souvenirs as gifts for people you love and as memorabilia. This will assist local people’s engagement in local crafts and industry. Always buy from the vicinity of the parks and not from towns where it will benefit the traders.    

1 thought on “25 Important Things to Know Before Visiting National Parks in India and Bandhavgarh”

  1. amitabh agarwal

    I visited Bandhavgarh a few years ago and ran into a guide named Dilip.This fellow was most misbehaved and kept on chatting and telling us how he took the Ambanis to a safari!

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Picture of Teerathnath Singh

Teerathnath Singh

My name is Teerathnath. Since my Childhood, i am fond of Jungle Safari. I born at Bandhavgarh and being native I help tourists to explore Bandhavgarh.

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